emit - exem
- emitting of wastes
- emptying of wastes
- enclosed and semi-enclosed seas
- encounter
- endangered species
- enforceability
- enforceable
- engineering officer
- engineering watch
- English hake
- English sole
- Enterprise of the International Seabed Authority
- entity
- entry into force of a treaty
- environment reference zones
- environmental
- environmental assessment
- environmental impact statement
- environmentally safe
- epeiric sea
- epicontinental sea
- equality of treatment in port
- equidistance
- equidistance principle
- equidistant
- equiwinged seine
- erection, emplacement and removal of installations
- escape of wastes
- escapement
- eulachon
- eulittorial zone
- European lobster
- evidence
- evidence of nationality of a vessel
- excavation
- excess fishing capacity
- exclusion zone
- exclusive economic zone
- exclusive jurisdiction
- execution of legal process
- 1
- 2